Alison Mildred Giantbulb is a 47-year-old consultant programmer who enjoys relaxing, theatre and meditation. She is bright and exciting, but can also be very stingy and a bit sneaky.

She is Greek who defines herself as straight. She has a post-graduate degree in computing. She is obsessed with gangnam style.

Physically, Alison is in good shape. She is very tall with cocao skin, brown hair and brown eyes. Unusually, she has a prosthetic leg; a lion ate hers.

She grew up in a middle class neighbourhood. After her father died when she was young, she was raised by her mother

She is currently married to Mark Xander Doyle. Mark is the same age as her and works as a screenplay writer.

Alison has three children with husband Mark: Cassandra aged 2, Angela aged 5 and Khalid aged 9.

Alison’s best friend is a consultant programmer called Rita Byrne. They have a very firey friendship. She also hangs around with Jorja Campbell and Cecil Turner. They enjoy checking news stories against Snopes together.